The season changed. From fall to winter. Life turns to death. Activity goes dormant. Brown gets covered with white. Flowing water freezes solid.
It seems as though we truly embraced winter. Our blog presence went into hibernation.
With that season change came a bit of a shift for us. We moved down the road to a different organic vegetable farm, Foxtail Farm. In November we entered into our second internship experience. This summer we were delivering fresh vegetables every week to 220 CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) members. Now, we are delivering fresh and processed vegetables as well as fresh made soup, bread, and hummus every three weeks to 185 CSA members. This is one of the first winter CSAs in Minnesota/Wisconsin. It is great in the Midwest, when the landscape is covered in white, to have a fresh flavor, a taste of summer, and know it is still local.
Even though we are still very much in the thick of winter, we have come out of hibernation here...